Listing Announcement

2 min readDec 13, 2021


Dear SolChicks fam,

First of all we’d like to sincerely extend a massive thank you to all our holders & supporters who’ve got us to this point — without you, our community would be nothing, so thank you so much for all your support to date.

Secondly, we want to address the elephant in the room — the teething issues following our token generation event (TGE) on both Raydium & Solana. We want you to know that we are working around the clock to rectify these issues.

The token claiming dashboard has crashed, as the Solana network is extremely congested. We’ve had tens of thousands simultaneous claims and buys and there simply isn’t enough capacity in the network. This is something that is completely out of our hands, and rests solely with the Solana network. However, we are looking to airdrop the tokens to eligible holders within the next 24 hours and are formulating a plan to execute this.

We would also like to highlight that the reason the Solana network is congested is due to our record breaking launch. The massive surge of people wanting to claim and buy has just crippled the network, but only highlights the unprecedented demand for SolChicks and our $CHICKS token.

The Raydium liquidity pool is also currently being populated and we will provide updates as and when we have one available. We are continuously trying to add liquidity however the liquidity order is very large in terms of instructions, hence the extended delay. For clarity, when Raydium is back up and the liquidity is in place, the token price will be at $0.05

Finally, we have been made aware that there is a fake contract address being circulated. Kindly note that there is only one Official SolChicks token, and you can verify our contract address here:

Remember that you can always DM anyone from our team if you need to verify or clarify anything. If you need to contact our team, you can DM @perryyeri @aulop or @stojjee on Twitter.

Once again, we sincerely apologise for the hiccups on launch day. No one likes or wants these holdups; however you can rest assured that our entire team is working around the clock to actively rectify these issues, including liaising with Solana and Raydium directly.

Yours sincerely,

The SolChicks team

